Comprehensive cardioVascular health & wellness

  • Professional & Speaking Inquiries

    Available for industry, legal, media, or other public speaking inquiries.

  • Medical Consultation

    An in-depth, personalized evaluation tailored to your goals and lifestyle. Currently available to clients in CA, MN, and VA.

  • Online Education

    Explore vascular health principles on your own schedule through a variety of online courses.

Not your average doctor’s visit

The best of modern Medicine…

With cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world, there is no shortage of testing, tech, and drugs available to help manage this condition. We may recommend some of them for you, at least temporarily, while we work on getting to the root causes of your condition and reversing them— we take the best modern medicine has to offer, but combine that with a much deeper dive into YOU.

…with The bigger picture in focus

What most practitioners ignore is the underlying problem—WHY do you have the dis-ease? Is there more to it than bad luck or genetics? Here we dive deep into metabolic, hormonal, and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your illness. Be prepared to talk about your childhood, your job, your relationships, your sleep, and many other factors that are absolutely relevant, but often overlooked by others. True healing is found here for those brave enough to consider change.

Schedule a consultation

Awards & Honors